Contact Me

Need to get in touch with me? Ask me a question? Complain that I’m an awful partner? Please do. I’ll do my best to get back at you. Unless your question or complaint is whack. But even then I’ll probably do it.
@bitchinbaristas on Twitter

8 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. I just absolutely love your blog as I can totally relate to you. I also love your style of writing, please continue.

    I’ve been a coffee slave for almost 5 years now, and my dignity is slowly drifting away. Like yourself, I’m not sure why I’m still here. Maybe it’s the 10.76 I make after ~*~*~5 years~*~*~*

    I wish we worked at the same store, I’d be able to tell you about the time I threw a blueberry bar at some bitch and told her to get out.

    – Canadian Barista

  2. By the way. Your compliment on my writing style is the greatest complement I’ve ever received.

    I mean, I know I’m funny. Though I totes love people telling me it anyway. But you’re the first to compliment me on my writing. Much appreciated.

    The talented and hilarious,
    Kaldi Jones

  3. I guess only Canada has blueberry bars, and you’re right, they’re basically a square of fat. Although i’m sure you American stores have plenty of fat filling products…

    In response to your writing style, you’re welcome.

    -Canadian Barista

  4. Your blog is absolutely hilarious. The best part is that there’s probably not one thing on it that no other Starbucks partner has thought about. You just actually have the balls to say it out loud, and for that, kudos. Thanks for being the voice of reason and shedding some light on what it’s actually like to work for the Siren.


  5. So here I am sitting in my car on my lunch. About to head back in to work and get treated like a caged, abused animal being poked at by sorority girls with their dad’s credit card and undeserved sense of accomplishment of almost getting their MRS degree. Not to mention the ac at our store is down and it feels hotter than the warming oven. So of course I’m already bitchy towards every customer trying to make modifications that don’t exist. I’ve gone through more decaf than most stores have on hand. But I can’t help but smile as I read your blogs. I feel as if now I can go in and give a fake grin and laugh (whether it be at someones ex

    • ^ just realized my post sent before I meant to… Anyways, whether it be at someone’s expense or the fact that I just got a nice customer.) Though I don’t completely loathe my job. It has been a good year or so with starbucks. But when your AC goes out and it reaches to well above 90 in your store, with outside being exceptionally hot (Arizona weather) then you just can’t smile. But like I said, I do enjoy my job most days, but there are those few days when I just can’t stand to look at people and be too happy.

      But it pays bills and I am happy with that I guess.

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